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ISSN : 1738-1894(Print)
ISSN : 2288-5471(Online)
ISSN : 2288-5471(Online)
Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology Vol. No. pp.11-11
Potential Errors in NRCDose3 Code Version 1.1.4 and Correction Methods for Resulting Calculation Errors
2024-09-20 ;
2024-10-24 ;
This study used an in-house beta version code, developed on the Microsoft® Excel platform and based on the Regulatory Guide 1.109 model, for radiation dose calculations. The results were compared with those of NRCDose3 Code Version 1.1.4. Although most results were compatible, five significant discrepancies were identified. First, potential errors in the effective dose for 3H inhalation and ingestion were due to inadequate incorporation of dose coefficients based on chemical forms or absorption types in the GASPAR module. Second, potential errors in 14C effective doses resulted from incorrect application of age-specific consumption values and dose coefficients. Third, potential errors for 131I inhalation doses occurred due to inadequate consideration of dose coefficients for chemical form or absorption type in the GASPAR. Fourth, potential errors in equivalent dose for radionuclides (e.g., 60Co and 131I) were caused by inconsistencies in the ordering of organs or tissues in dose coefficients and output files. Fifth, in the LADTAP module, when “Salt water” was selected and the International Commission on Radiological Protection Publication 72 was applied, liquid effluent doses were incorrectly output for only three age groups instead of six. This study analyzes these errors and proposes interim corrective measures to ensure accuracy pending software revisions.
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Korean Radioactive
Waste Society (KRS)
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