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ISSN : 1738-1894(Print)
ISSN : 2288-5471(Online)
ISSN : 2288-5471(Online)
광섬유센서케이블을 이용한 지하처분연구시설의 감시시스템 운영 평가
Assessment on the Monitoring System for KURT using Optical Fiber Sensor Cable
Optical fiber cable, as a sensor, was installed on the wall of KAERI(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) Underground Research Tunnel(KURT) in order to monitor the physical stability of the tunnel, which was constructed for technical development and demonstration of radioactive waste disposal. This monitoring system has two simultaneous measurements of temperature and strain over time using Brillouin backscatter. According to the results of the monitoring from Jan. 2008 to Nov. 2009, there is no significant displacement or movement at the tunnel wall However, the cumulative volume of total strain increased slightly as time passes with the comparison of the reference observation, which was measured in Jan. 2008. The change in cumulative volume of total strain indicates that the strain level had been affected by saturation and de-saturation phenomena due to groundwater fluctuation at several points at KURT. This system is based on the distributed sensing technique concept, not point sensing. By using this system, a displacement can be detected with the range from 20 to 28,000 every 1m interval in minimum. A temperature variation can be monitored at every 0.5m interval with the resolution of 0.01 in minimum. Based on the study, this monitoring system is potentially applicable to long term monitoring systems for radioactive waste disposal project as well as other structures and underground openings.
Brillouin 산란현상, 광섬유센서케이블, 분포개념 온도 및 변형률 감지, 자동감시시스템, 지하처분연구 시설(KURT), Brillouin scattering, Optical Fiber Sensor Cable, Distributed Temperature and Strain Sensor(DTSS), KAERI Underground Research Tunnel(KURT), Monitoring System.
Online Submission
Korean Radioactive
Waste Society (KRS)
Editorial Office
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