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ISSN : 1738-1894(Print)
ISSN : 2288-5471(Online)
ISSN : 2288-5471(Online)
지표 조사를 이용한 KURT 주변 지역의 지질모델 구축
Construction of the Geological Model around KURT area based on the surface investigations
To characterize the geological features in the study area for high-level radioactive waste disposal research, KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) has been performing several geological investigations such as geophysical surveys and borehole drillings since 1997. Especially, the KURT (KAERI Underground Research Tunnel) constructed to understand the deep geological environments in 2006. Recently, the deep boreholes, which have 500 m depth inside the left research module of the KURT and 1,000 m depth outside the KURT, were drilled to confirm and validate the results from a geological model. The objective of this research was to investigate hydrogeological conditions using a 3-D geological model around the KURT. The geological analysis from the surface and borehole investigations determined four important geological elements including subsurface weathered zone, low-angled fractures zone, fracture zones and bedrock for the geological model. In addition, the geometries of these elements were also calculated for the three-dimensional model. The results from 3-D eological model in this study will be beneficial to understand hydrogeological environment in the study area as an important part of highlevel radioactive waste disposal technology.
고준위폐기물처분, 지하처분연구시설, 지질모델, 지질요소, 수리지질환경, high-level radioactive waste disposal, KAERI Underground Research Tunnel, geological model, geological elements, hydrogeological environment
Online Submission
Korean Radioactive
Waste Society (KRS)
Editorial Office
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