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ISSN : 1738-1894(Print)
ISSN : 2288-5471(Online)
Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology Vol.7 No.1 pp.39-47

도심에서 방사능분산장치의 폭발로 인한 피폭선량 예측결과의 상호비교

An Intercomparison of Model Predictions for an Urban Contamination Resultingfrom the Explosion of a Radiological Dispersal Device

황원태, 정효준, 김은한, 한문희


The METRO-K is a model for a radiological dose assessment due to a radioactive contamination inthe Korean urban environment. The model has been taken part in the Urban Remediation WorkingGroup within the IAEA’s (International Atomic Energy Agency) EMRAS (Environmental Modeling forRAdiation Safety) program. The Working Group designed for the intercomparison of radioactivecontamination to be resulted from the explosion of a radiological dispersal device in a hypothetical city.This paper dealt intensively with a part among a lot of predictive results which had been performed inthe EMRAS program. The predictive results of three different models (METRO-K, RESRAD-RDD, CPHR)were submitted to the Working Group. The gap of predictive results was due to the difference ofmathemathical modeling approaches, parameter values, understanding of assessors. Even if final results(for example, dose rates from contamintaed surfaces which might affect to a receptor) are similar, theunderstanding on the contribution of contaminated surfaces showed a great difference. Judging fromthe authors, it is due to the lack of understanding and information on radioactive terrors as well as thesocial and cultural gaps which assessors have been experienced. Therefore, it can be known that theexperience of assessors and their subjective judgements might be important factors to get reliableresults. If the acquisition of a little additional information is possible, it was identified that the METRO-Kmight be a useful tool for decision support against contamination resulting from radioactive terrors byimproving the existing model.



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